
The aim of the protection of market competition is primarily to create benefits for consumers and equal conditions for all entrepreneurs on the market, who, acting in accordance with the existing rules and competing on the market with the quality, price and innovation of their products and services, contribute to the overall development of the economy.
We invite you to “Meet to Compete Competition Law and Policy Conference – Tools for the New Rules” in Opatija, 9-10 May 2024
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Croatia and the Croatian Chamber of the Economy, supported by the Croatian Competition Agency, invite you to “Meet to Compete Competition Law and Policy Conference – Tools for the New Rules” that will be held in Hotel Ambasador Opatija, Feliksa Perišića 5, from 9-10 May 2024.
The conference will provide a unique opportunity for competition law specialists and members of the business community to meet and exchange their views on recent hot topics in the EU competition law.
The program of the conference builds on excellent prior experience and is primarily aimed at discussing the recent antitrust developments, with a particular focus on Central and Eastern Europe and South-East Europe.
This year’s agenda will start with two great keynote speakers, and three panels focusing on concentrations and the Foreign Subsidies Regulation, the “effects-based approach” and recent developments in the CEE and SEE region. The expert panels will include the members of the European Commission-DG Comp, competition authorities, OECD, university professors, attorneys, in-house lawyers, and other legal practitioners from all over Europe.
The second day of the conference will bring a set of competition compliance workshops held in the Croatian language by recognized the Croatian practitioners. The workshops are divided into four slots each covering specific important topics that companies deal with on a daily basis, like exclusionary abuses of dominance, horizontal agreements, the resale price maintenance and other vertical restraints, etc. These workshops are primarily intended for business owners, managers, corporate lawyers and other employees acting in the region, to help them understand and avoid anti-competitive practices, with the goal of increasing the overall competition law awareness and the importance of compliance.
Please find more information about the conference details and registration here